Friday, October 5, 2007

Frday Night

Well it's another night starting with rain - about 9 pm it started to trickle down on the riders from team 3 as they moved out of Miles City, MT. Up until then, it's been a good ride for them. The winds are finally shifting to the flank, so there's some good road to be chewed up. But riding at night in the rain is not for the faint of heart.

The question that Marilyn and I have been pondering all day, as cyclists - would you rather ride in rain with no head wind, or head wind with no rain. I'd take the wind over the rain, but that's just me.

Team 2 started from Jordan with a very strong headwind, and lots of climbs. By the end of their run, the winds had gone from the front to the side, and lo and behold, the sun came out for about an hour. A celebratory supper was had at the Pizza Hut!

There's been some chicanery between the teams - water bottles spiked with vinegar, door handles vasolined on one van and some removable spray paint on another. I can see this turning ugly by the end of the run .

I'm keeping this short tonight, as we're gong to chase the 6am transition from team 4 to team 5.

I have made some corrections based on some good comments, and have not had time to post the teams. If someone could do so in a comment, I'll place it in the body of the blog.


Anonymous said...

It was a great team ride for Team #2 today. Battling the headwinds together and taking turns helping each other out. Chad is enjoying being on a team of 5 chubbies who are great to draft behind.
Our team has a score to settle with cancer and as Ian says the worst day of cycling and headwinds is still better than the best day of chemo.
Looking forward to the day when warriors and my family come to Austin. They give me my strength.


Anonymous said...

Yes Brian it is very sweet when I get to draft behind the "chubbies"...however somehow that has been far and few between since I lost that bet with Tye last night and was made to be his Domestique (biking slave)for the day. I guess I won't pretend to be so knowledgeable on country would have been nice to know before hand that he used to farm 5 quarters of land and spent a lot of time in a tractor with that good ole' boy music.


Anonymous said...

Team 4 here - getting ready to head out for our transition for the midnight ride. But first we need to clarify a couple of things;
1) Pam is not sick nor did she have her tummy pumped, however, was the brunt of a prank involving vinegar in her water. YUK.
2) Chris can explain his "nickname " is later, but it involves cycling shoes/cleats and cow patties.

Team 4 - The Team with MORE.

Anonymous said...

As Pam's brother I can probably help out with a few choice nicknames for her. How about ------ oh never mind I'm sure you will come up with a few good ones of your own. We are all VERY proud of her and all of the other riders! Keep your eyes on the prize and remember Austin is one small stop on the long journey to help all cancer patients.

Keep it up Pam,

Love Darin

Anonymous said...

Good on ya, Lads and Lassies!!! Everyone's pulling for you up here in Edmonton on the ride and for your cause.


Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa and All,

I am loving the blog + comments. Thanks Don.
You are all doing great! Don't get discouraged. Believe in the cause, you are Strong Canadians! Don't let weather ruin your day! It won't be many more rides and you will be in the heat, enjoy the trip. Thank-you for your work to make all of this happen, especially for the warriors.
I wish I was with you in that big motorhome, Where are we now?
Sistership loves you Vanessa, we are so proud! : )
Warm Hugs to All,

c-train team 2 alumni said...

looks like you guys are having some crappy weather.

keep your spirits up gang !

have been reading your blogs and it seems like you guys are having a blast !

keep up your mojo and may the wind always be at your backs !

early happy thanksgiving all !

clarence poon

Anonymous said...

It was great winning a bet with Chad, however I would have better off making a bet with a tooth pick.

It was a great day,


Anonymous said...

Hey there Chad, now I bet you paid more attention to your brother law and his country music -- next time you will listen!!

Your smart ass sister, Marni

Anonymous said...

On a serious note, riders keep well, be strong and know that we support you all the way!!

Chad's sister Marni

Anonymous said...

To all the teams (and a special hello to Patti ..I’m so proud of you!!!!!) Thank you to each of you, the cyclists & support teams, for doing such important work! Sorry to hear about the weather…as if the journey isn’t enough of a challenge, you have headwinds!
Keep an eye out for those salamanders Pate!! Be safe!!!

Anonymous said...

Great work riders and driver volunteers! As I sit in my office - the phone no longer ringing off the hook, no more massive emails to reply, no more annoyances from the riders (just kidding), I suddenly feel very lonely. Everything up to this point was so worth it! I can honestly say we have a quality team of riders and volunteers this year!
Miss you guys! Take care and see you on Thursday in Austin!

Sheila P (Cancervive)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi all you awesome Riders..and especially Patti!! You all rock!! I am so honored to be a part of this year's Austin trip!!!
Remember you are all Warriors...over, under,around or thru...what ever it takes you will do!!! Travel safe..see you in Austin!! Gentle" Love ya Patti!!" Hugs..
Cancer Warrior..
Carol Westberg

Anonymous said...


Je suis bien contente de voir que meme si ca semble dur physiquement, spirit is up!
Je suis tres occupee ici, difficile d'acces a internet en plus d'une difference de 8 heures mais je pense beaucoup a toi/vous et je suis contente de lire le blog.


Anonymous said...

Team 2 here checking in following our rain soaked night ride in Lusk Wyoming.

I wouldn't send a videographer out on a night like last night. The rain started at our transition in Douglas from Team#1 who a great wind assisted ride. The riding was good at the start with the tailwind but as our route changed direction it became more of a head and cross wind(by wind I mean gale). The rain continued throughout the ride except for a few times when it turned to sleet.

Don finally rode along with us which was great. The previous day he said he wanted to ride with us when we had the headwinds but his helmet was mysteriously broken. His helemt worked great today when we had the tailwind but mysteriosly broke again when conditions deteriorated.

The last 40 kms Chad lead the way as we went "hardcore". No stops, we were soaked and cold to the core anyways - stopping would only prolong the night. Hooked a ride on the "Rhyno" express and cruised into Lusk. Thank goodness for the tues beung piped in from the ambulance during the night - could have used less Barry Manilow. All the volunteers have been great and really helping us with the adverse riding conditions.

Team #3 had arranged for the hotel rooms and grabbed a few hours sleep before turning the rooms over to us. We took over the room from Pat and Bill R. and encountered the second mystery of the night when only one of the beds was messed up.

The sun is up this morning and it looks like we are in for some better riding weather.

One more ride in Colorado and then we get to Texas. Can't wait for the reunion with the warriors on Friday. Its why we ride.

Love you Maureen


Anonymous said...

Vanessa (mom). How is it going? What kind of road kill have you seen today or last night? Are you having fun? Are you still doing night rides or into the day light? Ride hard, I miss you heaps mom.

Love Eli and dad.