Monday, October 8, 2007

Monday Night



You never know how a day will turn out when you set out in the morning, when you’re on a trip like this. We left Burlington WY just after 9 to motor to the noon hour transition in Lamar. But just as we left, we got a call from Mike Eby to say the Ambulance broke down near Granada WY. We met Mike and Sara at a small garage where the Ambulance was towed after it just packed it in. We waited for an hour or so to find out that the main computer on the vehicle needed to be replaced. We’re looking at at least 3 days before it will be ready. So let’s go to plan B!

We all piled in the Crape media mobile and headed down the road to Lamar to find a rental van that could be our ambulance for the rest of the trip. We found one at the Car Palace (with a front licence plate that reads “Stolen From The Car Palace”). It’s a Voyager mini-van, but Mike and Sara fixed it up to be a mobile medical mobile. I lost an afternoon of shooting, but realize the safety of the riders is first and foremost. The new Ambulance is now in position to follow and do anything the old one would do. Thanks to HSC for making this all possible.

I got to ride with Team 4 for a few hours and was there to record the transition at the Oklahoma border. Team 5 had a surprise for the group… some great top hats in honour of the classy work of the team, and a Pirate’s hat for the team leader, Jim Long.

It’s been a great, great day of cycling that is better, I think, because of the bad weather every cyclist has faced on this trip. After a night of cold, darkness and rain, anyone who gets a chance to ride on a warm sunny day will appreciate it even more.

By the way, here’s the team breakdown, and the list of volunteers on this great journey.


Mike Newson,Maureen Bildfell, Lisa Prowse, David MacGregor, Laurel Shuttleworth, Wes Tatebe

Team 2

Brian McGregor, Ian Loughran, Chad Ziegler, Tye Rhyno, Adrian Marcano, Arthur Earle

Team 3

Pat Murphy, Bill Reber, Scott Linklater, Bill Darling, Ann Corbett, Kelsey Wiens

Team 4

Jim Long, Doug Rogers, Chris Goodman, Graham Reiser, Vanessa Fischbuch, Pam Hauck

Team 5

Chris Elmquist, Warren Walstra, Patti Morris, Bobbi Fridfinnson, Maurice Walch, Norbert Hollman

Medical team

Mike Eby, Don Fix, Erin Reid, Tim Whyte, Sara Smith

Motor Home

Fried and Gloria Ziegler, James Cameron and Dave Young, Mike Pascoe and Cheryl-Ann Orr

Media Van

Marilyn Hnit, Don Marcotte


Anonymous said...


Taine and Eli both say watch out for BIG SPIDERS in Texas. Also hope there is no flat tires. Good luck on the next ride and ride hard and fast. We are proud of our mom.

Taine, Eli, Josh and Dad.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what a resourceful group of people can do when they have to. Congratulations on the transformation from real Ambulance to Mini-Van Ambulance!

Glad to hear that the sun has come out and riders are enjoying favorable conditions. HOpe you got pictures of Jim Long in his pirate hat! That will be one for the album. WEather forecast looks HOT for Austin.

Ride on CTAPP riders!

Lynn Rogers

Anonymous said...

Hi Patti....hope your last couple of rides are warm and fuzzy! I am so looking forward to seeing you in Austin..are ya ready to do this again?? I am !!!LOL!!
You are all such a great bunch of Troopers...I almost feel lucky to have I can be a part of this experience!! Ride like the wind, y'all!!
Gentle HUgs....

Anonymous said...

Hi Taine, Eli, Josh and Eric,
We spent the night in Dalhart TEXAS! We transitioned with Team 5 at the Oklahoma border, then drove across the Texas border later that night. It's exciting to be in Texas, but we are a little sad that our day light ride shifts are over. The weather has finally turned in our favour - we had a fantastic ride yesterday in the sunshine. Jim took some great pictures of a tarantula that we nearly ran over. It was going to cross the highway in front of all of the traffic so Doug flicked it into the ditch - pretty brave don't you think?!
You'll love the hats Team 5 gave us - Jim's pirate hat is perfect for him.
Bye for now - look after each other.
I love you, Mum.

David Hopkins said...

Hi to all the CTAPP rides, especially Laurel on Team 1!!! Wow, y'all are rocking down the highway!! Way to go! The Edmonton Hash House Harriers have been keeping tabs and send their usual warm greetings, hidden by rude and oh so witty sarcasm!! You know they mean well! So, as you approach Levelland, enjoy the rest of the ride. I'm glad by Asutin pal Bruce is hooking Don Marcotte up with Asutin nicely, everyone!!! He's a CTAPP honourary rider with us in the 40 miler Sunday. See y'all Friday. David Hopkins in Edmonton

David Hopkins said...

Too bad that Hopkins guy can't spell...sorry Austin, sorry to my many teachers!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa Prowse is on Team #1.

The tracking system will be off-line for a bit while the resourceful ambulance crew transfers it from the ambulance to the mini-van. Mike Eby mentioned they need some additional parts to get it working again. He is currently at Radio Shack. We will have the tracking system up and running very shortly.


Sheila P (Cancervive)

Anonymous said...

We enjoyed seeing you in Campo, CO again this year. We watched the DVD and were excited to see students from our school.
What team did we meet at the cafe? The kids want to know if you will be back next year. Good luck on your trip and on the ride in Austin.

Mrs. Hinds 1st and 2nd grade class

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work guys and gals. Everyone is behind you and proud of what you are doing.

I too would love to see Mr. Long become Captain long...YARR!! Good to hear that the early weather Karma is starting to come back in good weather for the next part of the ride.

May it be Tail winds and downhills for the rest of the ride.

Go Daddy Go (Doug)
Love Johnny from the Bridge

The Jim Stick said...

Wow, 7 days just me and the kid (yeah I know another one got out, last seen hopping the back fence for freedom). Just as well, I'll have more time for my champagne bubble bath this afternoon. Not to mention my legs are getting stubbly and Dangit if I didn't just brake a nail!!

Bobbi, when I get down there can I please hang out with the guys?! I really need some exposure to a bunch of testosterone. Everywhere I go it's me and the girls, I've become an official "mall mom" (without the mall). I've tried desperatley to expose myself to some male folk here but the only one available was Garney and, well you know that's not helping the cause.

A funny thing happened this morning while I was getting my hair permed...

Anyhow glad to here we're in Texas, your all just mere miles away from the end of a bike trip and a lifetime of bragging rights and exclusive stories. I'll be honest I thought this would be a challenge at home but I've accomplished soooo much, I've already made arrangements for you next bike trek. Your off to Flin Flon on Tuesday. Anyhow I gotta go, me, Sara, Sally, Elizabeth and Bertha are off to the gym, I only have two more days to trim down for you.

Oh last thing, I've renamed the kid that still with me "Kitty" makes it easy to get'em in the house at night....HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY..HERE KITTY works like a charm. Odd though since this all started he's been pooping in the garden!

My thoughts are with each one of you and the rest of the crew and teams. You've made a very important difference to the fight.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers to all of you and especially Team 5. I am Bobbi's sister from the country and don't have email, so I am just reading about your trip at work. I am so impressed with everyone's dedicatioin and commitment to this journey. By the sounds of things, your journey has been a difficult one to say the least, but I am sure it has been very very rewarding. Keep up with the antics they will keep your spirits up.

I have had many laughs reading the blogs that have been posted over the week. Jim, I am only a phone call away and I have a barnyard that can fence in animals, give me a call.

Bobbi - we are all so proud of you. You have almost reached your destination, what an accomplishment. If only I could have been there cheering you along the way, but we have been in our thoughts and prayers.

Love and kisses from everyone here.


The Switzers said...

Hello Bobbi, I can hardly wait until your home. Quinn is starting to get homesick, hopefully Jim will pick him up before Thusday. I am glad to hear that the weather is better, it sounds like the guys will even get to see you in your bike shorts. Enjoy every minute of your journey!

Take care
Love Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hello Team #4,
I hope your thanksgiving was GREAT!! We give thanks to all of you riding...
Graham Reiser we had a toast to you and I called Lynda today Monday, she's still coming, we will see you Friday. GO GUYS GO!!! Your Riders won against Calgary, BOO HOO to some of the Family
Love Heather Dave, Cory, Carson, Sophie, Jackie Justin, Gary, Hannah, Joey, & Jessie, Brandy & Tom and TATE... We are all proud of U ALL Texas here we come!!!!

Scott said...

Hey I would like to congradulate all the riders. What a feat. I just talked to my brother Bill from team 3. His spirit was high. It was great to hear. These Blogs are also great. I must admit I like to sign on just the hear the "Jim Stick" He is one funny man. Don't know who you are but please keep it up we are howling in our office from you tails of the kids. Good luck to the Bills and Scott.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marilyn! Marilyn is my big sister. Love and support to all the riders and volunteers from here in Calgary. Been watching, listening and praying for you all.
Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Hi Wes, I just wanted to share a little story that happened today. I went into Seiren's school to let the office know that he will be away for a few days. The lady in the office asked if we were going away. I told her what you were doing and she wanted me to pass on a "Thank you" as she is a survivor of Lung Cancer. She has been clear now for 5 years. Very touching.

You are doing an amazing job. One more shift. I know you can do it. Thank you Team #1 for taking such good care of each other. We will be thinking of you during your next shift and cheering you on. We love you and are so proud of you. Can't wait to see you in Austin on Thursday.

Love Shawna, Seiren & Kiera-Rei

Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbi,
Sounds like you are having a great time and doing well...but the real work starts when you get home and clean up the mess that Jim has made. Congratulations on a great trip so far!! Ryan & Lori

Anonymous said...

I got a call from Mike Eby about the ailing ambulance, but after riding home from work I realized that it's not the ambulance (or the motorhome,vans,media mobile) but the people that are riding in them that makes this a great organization. Keep up the good work guys, your making us proud.

Anonymous said...

To Cheryl-Anne Orr, I am so proud of you and all the CTAAP riders and crew. Cheryl you are my B.T. XOXOXO Fred

Anonymous said...

All I can say is awsome job to all in getting an ambulance van up and running. Fantastic work to all and I am so happy that you all are still in high spirits over this and the warm weather will be with you. Enjoy as it is cold here in Grande Prairie. Good job.
Peter Tryon

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good trip so far. I am back in school for a short week, and Eli and me have a Spath-a-thon tomorrow. Dad is having me practice tonight. Mom still watch out for spiders on the night rides. Please send a picture of Captain Jim and his crew of pirites ( Team 4 ). Good luck Mom.

From Taine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbi,

It was so great to get your phone call today - it made my day. Sorry to hear about all the terrible weather but it sounds like it will improve over the next few days. I don't know how you have done it - I am too much of a wimp. I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow while I am sitting in a comfy chair under a warm blanket getting my weekly round of chemo. Your job is much harder.

I admire your strength, determination and resiliency. You are my inspiration Bobbi. I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and for this cause. I am so honored to have you as my friend. I can't wait to see you in Austin.

Anita, your Cancer Warrior

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed by the perseverance of all of these fine people. It is such a very important cause, and I am very proud that one of these cyclist's is my cousin, on Team #1. It has been great to read the blog, unfortunately I just had the opportunity to read it today! Congratulations on your accomplishment team members, especially you Wes Tatebe! Your Uncle Tom & Aunt Barb, and cousin LaRee are very proud of you and your effort! Good on Ya'!!!

Anonymous said...

HI Marilyn and Don. I wrote yesterday but it's not on the blog. 2nd try. I was glad you phoned on Sunday while we were all at Pat's. Mom was worried about driving at night for everyone. Ididn't expect you to have encounetrs of the lizard or spider kind though. Sounds like things are better and the end is in sight. Everyone appreciates the stamina of every rider and volunteer. Neither snow nor sleet, nor rain nor wind nor broken down ambulance will stop the biker on a quest for a cure. Congratulations to each and every one of you. Take care and God bless. CAthy